A Disability & Ministry in
Asia-Pacific Conference
Pre-Conference March 13, 2025
Conference March 14-15, 2025
Pre-Conference AGENDA
March 13, 13:30-17:30 - English Only
For Member Care Providers
Understanding Families with Special Needs
Led by MaDonna Maurer
Conference AGENDA
4 Keynote Presentations
20 Workshops
Speakers from Asia, Europe, and North America
Disability and the CHURCH
Disability and the COMMUNITY
Disability and the FAMILY
Disability and
Disability and the Church - KEYNOTE
Biblical Foundations for Disability Ministry 聖經原則
Creating Welcoming Churches and Sunday Schools 友善身心障礙的教會
Disability and Culture - KEYNOTE
Understanding Disability in a Guilt/Shame Context 文化考量
Community Outreach Opportunities 支援中心與團體
Disability and the Family - KEYNOTE
Encouraging Young Parents 鼓勵年輕父母
Grief and Stress 面對悲傷與壓力
Marriage 婚姻關係
Supporting Global Workers 支援國際工作者
Educational Options for Families家庭教育選擇
Special Education 101特殊教育101
Special Education Resources 特殊教育資源
Friday 3/14
9:00 General Session 1
10:30 Coffee and Connect
11:00 Workshop 1
12:00 Lunch
13:30 General Session 2
15:00 Coffee and Connect
15:30 Workshop 2
16:45 Workshop 3
18:00 Dinner
19:00 Movie and Discussion
Thursday 3/13
13:30 Session 1
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Session 2
16:45 Roundtable
18:00 Dinner
Saturday 3/15
9:00 General Session 3
10:30 Coffee and Connect
11:00 Workshop 4
12:00 Lunch
13:30 General Session 4
15:00 Coffee and Connect
15:30 Workshop 5
16:45 Closing Session
18:00 Dinner (to-go option)
19:00 Discussion: Where do we go from here?

Dr. Manuel Rauchholz
Trinity International University
Director of the PhD (Intercultural Studies), Associate Professor of Anthropology and Intercultural Studies
MaDonna Maurer
Masters in Care and Counseling
Special Needs and Cultural Transition Consultant
Workshop presenters

Jasmine Tell
Jasmine Tell is a missionary with New International serving in Chiang Mai, Thailand with Stronger Together Thailand and the RICD Wheelchair Project. She grew up in a family impacted by disability, with multiple siblings with disabilities.
She started working in the field of disability in 2006 and moved to Thailand to serve full-time in disability ministry in 2010. She is a mom of four, passionate about disability, adoption, and missions. Disability became even more a part of her family’s life when they adopted their daughter from Serbia who has Down Syndrome.
Uwe Maurer
Uwe is the director of Taiwan Sunshine. He is a German MK who was born and raised in Taiwan. Uwe is married to MaDonna and they have three children. Matthea, their second, has a genetic deletion called 5p-.
Uwe used to be an international school teacher and principal. After Matthea's diagnosis, Uwe and his family moved back to Taiwan. Shortly afterward, they were part of a team that started Taiwan Sunshine.
Grace Church Taipei
No. 161 Mingde Road, Beitou District, Taipei City
Tamsui-Xinyi Line to Mingde. Walk north on Mingde Road, 3 blocks. Grace Church is on the left, at the Jianmin Road intersection.
Nearby Hotels:
Dandy Hotel — Tianmu Branch | Shilin No. 2 Lane 728, Section 6, Zhongshan North Road, Shilin District, Taipei 111
Beautique Hotel | No. 14, Lane 38, Tianyu Street, Shilin District , Taipei 111
Mellow Fields Hotel | No.127, Sec. 7, Zhongshan N. Rd., Shihlin District, Taipei 11156
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Join us in Taipei for the 2025 Disability and Missions Conference! Please fill out the form below to register.
歡迎與我們一同參加台北 2025 年殘障與使命會議! 請填寫下面的表格進行註冊。
Payment can be made at registration in cash.
On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. 1 Corinthians 12:22-23a
不 但 如 此 , 身 上 肢 體 人 以 為 軟 弱 的 , 更 是 不 可 少 的 。身 上 肢 體 , 我 們 看 為 不 體 面 的 , 越 發 給 他 加 上 體 面. 歌 林 多 前 書 12:22-23a